

Written by Imad

Wherever it is that my love of custard stems from, there’s only been one real problem: I never have much luck making it myself. I’ve either undercooked or curdled more batches of custard than I care to admit. My mother and grandmother always made it look so easy, and on paper it is easy. I decided to put my failed attempts behind me, and I set out to find a fail-proof egg custard recipe. And that’s just what we have for you today!



5 eggs

½ cup sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

½ teaspoon salt

4 cups 2% or whole milk

Nutmeg for topping

How to Make Fail-Proof Egg Custard

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and lightly grease an 8×8 baking dish

In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, sugar, vanilla, and salt.

In a small saucepan, heat the milk to about 180 degrees F or just before it starts to simmer (do not boil).

Very slowly pour a stream of the hot milk into the egg mixture while continuously whisking until fully combined. Whisk the final mixture for one additional minute.

Pour into the prepared baking dish and sprinkle nutmeg over the top if desired.

Fill a larger baking dish with water until it is about 1 inch deep. Place the dish of custard into the larger dish of water, careful not to splash.

Place the doubled dishes in the oven and bake for 45-50 minutes or until an inserted knife comes out clean, custard will still jiggle. Be careful not to overbake as the custard will curdle.

Serve warm or chilled, and top with whipped cream, fruit, or additional spices. Refrigerate any leftovers.

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