Although pineapple is often used in pastries, it is also an ingredient that goes very well in certain savory recipes, as in this case (Makes 4 servings).
1.5 kg of pork ribs
1/2 pineapple
1 escarole (a variety of lettuce)
2 cloves of garlic
2 butter spoons
1/2 glass of soy sauce
olive oil or whatever you prefer
Salt and black pepper to taste

Chop the garlic and crush it (grind-crush) in a mortar with a pinch of salt. Add a pinch of pepper and a splash of oil and the soy sauce. Season the pork ribs with this mixture.
Wash and drain the escarole. Season with salt, vinegar and oil. Booking. Bake the ribs at 180º C for 60 minutes. After this time, remove it from the oven and cut it into 4 portions. Strain the sauce over a pan and reduce it to high heat. Booking.
Preparation of the pineapple:
Clean and cut the pineapple into 4 slices. Melt butter in skillet; add the pineapple slices and brown them on both sides. Place each slice of pineapple at the base of a plate, put the rib on top and bathe it with the sauce you reserved. Serve accompanied by escarole.