* Pineapple Dessert *



  °50g granulated sugar

  °5g cornstarch

  °35 g liquid vanilla

  °40g egg yolks

  °428g whole pineapple

  °90g milk

  °200g full cream


Peel the pineapple, remove the center which is hard, cut into cubes. Separate the white from the yolk, refrigerate the white that you will use for another recipe.

pineapple cream pineapple cream

In the bowl of the blender, place the sugar, cornstarch, vanilla, egg yolks, pineapple.

Pineapple cream Pineapple cream Pineapple cream Pineapple cream

In the blender, add the milk, the cream, mix for a good minute. Filter through a colander.

Pineapple cream Pineapple cream Pineapple cream Pineapple cream

Pour into a medium saucepan, and with a wooden spoon stir gently to thicken the cream. Pour into verrines or keep in a bowl to use.

Enjoy !